Been a zero fighter lately though and getting pretty demoralized. Lost several lures liao yet hit almost nothing and totally clueless what strategy to formulate in each waters. Haiz... Went Youtube watch Fishos having a ball of great time with their catches lagi SIAN 1/2. HAIZzz.. Sad... :( Disillusioned and completely in need of enlightening, i stumbled upon these splendid vids by one FISHINGBANHOCK. Kudos to this Fisho man. How he managed to strike down these majestic Toman time and time again is beyond me... Plus he is also a CNR Fisho!!! Cool!!! Hopefully, from his art can i learn and reap some rewards. Hahaha!!! Enjoy these vids and learn from the master!!! ^^
Singapore Prawning Pond Locations (updated 5 February 2024)
Prawning rates are usually $30 to $40+ per 3 hrs and the only difference
for some operators is whether they allow you to store your hours, split the
3 hrs...
6 months ago