Monday, February 08, 2010

Met a smart Fisho!

After last week outing at LPR, i decided to visit LSR this time ard. Manage to get up early and promptly wake my dear up for breakfast and quickly set off. Hmm... Not much fishos this Monday morning. Water was rather choppy so i test out this new ultra small fly setup i let it float ard the banks and after 10 mins, got something at the end of the line. I quickly crank in cos like no fight at all but then BAM! Alot of splashes ard the bank! Something hit my 'Live' lure! LOL!!!

I tug hard and freed the poor fella from becoming breakfast. See the scars? Think kena whack by a toman. Released the little fella near a spot beside its frens. LOL! Dunno what fish is this though until i met this smart fisho who told me it's an eartheater. And he caught 2 BIG PEACOCK BASS!

The big one think 2kg!!! The smaller one think 1.5kg!!! Congrats!!!
Nice to see CNR anglers like this Fisho ard! Glad to get some pointers from him and see him in action hahaha. Learn from the pro lah. What a memorable trip and though no peacock bass is landed by me 2day i'm still happy cos i managed to hook one biggie but i too kan cheong pull it up too fast out of water and it leaped and shook and the hook fly back!!! LOLOLOL

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